Finance Solutions

Financial Services are a key driver of sales and customer retention

The positioning of financial services in the sales process can significantly broaden your customer segments and sales opportunities

Financial Services customer support is a key driver of operational efficiency and customer satisfaction

Provide more customer support with less resources does not require a magic trick but just the utilization of comprehensive Finance Management Business Solutions

Objective of Solutions

Increase sales, increase profitably, increase customer satisfaction

The right Financial Services allows the customer to choose from a larger range of products. Understanding the financial capabilities of the customer during the sales process enables to customer and customer consultant to determine the right product.

Sales & Pre-sales

  • Understand Financial Products
  • Determine affordability
  • Explore products
  • Compare products and services

  • Customer self service
  • Inquiry management
  • Operational Process Support

Finance Management Approach

Use Finance to improve sales and profitability

Financial Services have to be a win-win situation for your organization and the customer. Your sales approach has to use financial services in a way that your customers feel comfortable and are convinced they are making the right decision.

Main Functionalities Sales & Pre-Sales:

  • Understand reasons to select a financial product
  • Identify available budget for downpayment and monthly payments
  • Compare products and services
  • Calculate payment options for specific product

Main Functionalities After-Sales:
  • View Financial Obligations
  • View past and future payments
  • Enquire information and changes
  • Provide feedback
  • Communication information

Some References

Our clients have to remain confidential, but we illustrate several examples to provide more insight about the impact of our work.